Hanover Four Corners Winter Festival

Renovisions enjoyed our First 
Four Corners Winter Festival
held on December 2nd & 3rd 2016.


Lights, Camera, Action…
The historic retail area of Hanover called “The Four Corners” was
the place to be this past Friday evening and Saturday afternoon.

Fabulous fun and merriment was enjoyed by all who attended this first of its kind
Winter Festival hostel by the Four Corners Businesses and the Hanover Cultural Council.


The Renovisions Showroom was decked out with holly and good cheer!


Our Holiday Candles (with no black soot) were on display,
perfect for the holidays, hostess and teacher gifts and more!

Available for purchase at our showroom and online!


Renovisions also proudly displayed a fine array of stunningly beautifully decorated
Holiday and Winter wreaths by Boston Wreath and Door.

Adorn your entrance or wall with a fabulous, homemade winter wreath made by a local company.

Available to purchase or by custom order; prices range from $15.99 and up.


Overall, it was a great event!
Thank you to everyone who came out and
we cannot wait for next year!

Dec 07, 2016
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Renovisions in Home Remodeling Magazine

Cathy was recently interviewed by Home Remodeling Magazine. Check out the article featuring four of our photos that was printed on page 70!


May 14, 2015
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